Language & Autism - Strategies - Dialogue:
Narratives - Performances

In a natural developmental trajectory each step in the acquistion of thinking and language involves social/communicative sharing with others. Simple dialogue progresses to more and more complex and purposeful exchange and interaction. It occurs in lock step with the growth of understanding and expression. Communication can speed skill acquistion and allow for better retention and recall. At the very least dialogue is rewarding when it is purposeful and endearing when it is positive and appropriate.
        My students often struggle with dialogue in interactions and in narratives in various formats. Processing the meaning of the spoken or written words and associated context may take longer than the interaction will allow. Dramatic play requires recall of the story or activity being performed. Stage plays as actors or using puppets requires memory of character speech and movement. Recordings require sustained listening and recall of stories and events. These activities comprise a significant portion of our learning and development experiences. True participation is important.

Pick a Lesson

Stage     Audio     Video


Mermaids - Dialogue/Narrative/Performance: Stage


Lost Sea Things - Dialogue Plays: Stage Puppets These are scenes and dialogue in a short puppet play.


xxxxx - Dialogue/Narrative/Performance: Audio


xxxxx - Dialogue/Narrative/Performance: Video
