Language & Autism - Materials - Art Activities: Assembly

Color, cut, and paste activities with large clear black and white line drawings can engage a language learner. This fine motor activity can draw attention to target vocabulary. The drawings can be a good prompts for naming and connecting to related ideas. When the coloring page is finished it provides opportunities to communicate the name and related information to peers, educators, and caregivers and can be displayed for occasional review.

Pick an Art Activity

Assembly     Coloring    


Types:    Nursery Rhyme/Song     Fairy Tale     Poem     Story     Theme    

Nursery Rhyme/Song


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Fairy Tale


Three Little Pigs Story Assembly Pages: Images from the story in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.


Three Little Pigs Houses Assembly Pages: Houses from the story in large black and white drawings can be printed. Paper pieces and real items can be glued to each house.


Sea Things / Little Mermaid Assembly Pages: Images from sea scenes and the story in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.



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Tina Gets Dressed Assembly Pages: Pieces of clothing for Tina in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.


Rockee Gets Dressed Assembly Pages: Pieces of clothing for Rockee in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.


Tina and Rockee Get Dressed Assembly Pages: Pieces of clothing for Tina and Rockee in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.


Valentines Day Cards Assembly Pages: Pieces of Valentines Day cards in large black and white drawings can be printed, colored, cut, and pasted on to background pages.
(Printable 1)  (Printable 2)


Sound/Letter "P" Assembly Pages: Large black and white line drawings to color, cut and paste words beginning with the sound/letter "p".


Sea Things / Little Mermaid Assembly Pages: Images from sea scenes and the story in large black and white drawings can be printed, cut, and pasted on to background pages.
